INHAMBANE CHALLENGE. Collaborate to restore the situation in Inhambane!



Around 652,648 people affected by Cyclone Dineo in Inhambane. Collaborate to rebuild and restore the situation.

On February 15th, 2017, the province of Inhambane in Mozambique was devastated by Cyclone Dineo, affecting mainly the districts of Inharrime, Jangamo, Inhambane, Maxixe, Morrumbene and Massinga. Cyclone Dineo was followed by heavy rains, seriously aggravating the situation caused by January floods.

These phenomena have resulted in the following:

  • 128,538 families / 652,648 people affected
  • Dozens of miles of affected housing
  • A thousand of homes destroyed
  • 70 affected health centers (many 100% inoperative)
  • 1,687 classrooms are destroyed affecting 160,000 students
  • 116 government buildings affected
  • Almost 29,173 hectares of crops culled (practically all)
  • Most of the districts have no electrical power,no potable water, especially outside district capitals.
  • All the medications and cold storage vaccines are spoiled.

As a consequence, there is a significant increase in malaria and diarrhea, and many outbreaks of cholera, as well as the lack of food resources, aggravating current difficult situation. The health system, very affected, cannot cope with current or future needs.

The preliminary estimate of the needs to be faced in the situation is:

  • 116 shelter tents
  • Provide humanitarian aid kits for 19,281 families
  • 38,561 hygiene kits
  • Food and dry food packages for 102,403 people
  • 57,842 fly screen
  • 130 tons of seeds.
  • Material for the habilitation of basic infrastructures.
  • And many other

The provincial government of Inhambane estimates that $ 13.3 million is needed to recover from damages caused by DINEO in infrastructure (roads, health centers, schools, government buildings) and agriculture. This value exceeds the province’s financial capacity according to contingency funds approved for 2017.

Architecture Without Borders (ASF) has been supporting the Provincial Health Department of Inhambane (DPS-I) since 2006 through cooperation funds provided mainly by the Spanish state.

In this situation of emergency and need, we can not ignore the priorities and dangers. Therefore, ASF and our partners and donors will support the DPS-I to carry out an exhaustive survey of damages in the health network, in the design of adequate and lasting solutions, in the follow-up of the rehabilitation processes and in the Materials for some of them; With the purpose of restoring the correct functioning of the health system in the shortest possible period of time. Meanwhile, other NGOs and the state of Mozambique endow the health network with the minimum necessary to work until the system is restored.

Therefore, we need your collaboration to support the analysis of the real situation of health infrastructures:

We need to raise € 20,000:

  •  € 5,000 will be used for the analysis (staff costs and travel to health centers).
  • € 15,000 will be used for the purchase of construction material for the rehabilitation of infrastructures.

Anything that is excessively collected will go to rehabilitation according to priorities.

Once the project is completed, all the collaborators who want to know more about ASF, will be invited to our main office, where we will organize an open day so that you can meet us in person, see the projects we do, chat and have a good time together . In addition, we will personally give you a certificate of appreciation for contributing to our cause. To those who can not attend, we will send it by email.


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